Cancer symptoms that you should be aware of

Cancer symptoms that you should be aware of

The word ‘cancer’ can put you in a state of shock, as it has become one of the most frightening health conditions in the recent decades. The number of cancer patients is on a rise in many countries of the world, including the United States. Cancer is a name given to a wide range of health conditions in which some of the body cells grow abnormally.
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Be informed about pancreatic cancer and its symptoms

Be informed about pancreatic cancer and its symptoms

Pancreatic cancer is the presence of malignant cells in the pancreas. This organ is located behind the stomach. Pancreatic cancer signs do not appear in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, for people with a family history of the disease or those who have cysts in the pancreas, it may be helpful to get screening tests for a timely diagnosis.
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Here’s what you must know about age-specific PSA levels

Here’s what you must know about age-specific PSA levels

Prostate-specific antigen or PSA is a glycoprotein that is produced in the prostate gland to retain the liquid form of the seminal fluid and aid sperm movement. While PSA typically stays in the prostate ducts, a small portion may leak into the bloodstream; this allows experts to detect prostate diseases such as cancer.
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Four effective tips to be a better cancer caregiver

Four effective tips to be a better cancer caregiver

Cancer is treatable only when it is identified in its initial stages. Once cancer metastasizes, the treatment methods are directed towards relieving the painful symptoms of cancer and limiting its progress. The treatment methods are long term, and the affected individual undergoes several physical and psychological changes through the course of treatment.
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6 things to know about metastatic NSCLC treatments according to cancer stage

6 things to know about metastatic NSCLC treatments according to cancer stage

Metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) spreads from other forms of cancer. For instance, if a person has breast cancer or prostatic cancer, the cancerous cells may go into the bloodstream or the lymph system and affect the lungs, causing metastatic NSCLC. This form of cancer is life threatening and is quite difficult to diagnose in the initial stages.
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Advantages of a PET scan for lung cancer

Advantages of a PET scan for lung cancer

Today, lung cancer has become a widespread condition and is one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. The disease is triggered when certain cells in the lungs grow in an uncontrollable and abnormal manner. Lung cancer is recognized in two major categories, i.e., small-cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.
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All you need to know about squamous cell carcinoma

All you need to know about squamous cell carcinoma

The second most common form of skin cancer, the squamous cell carcinoma is found in those areas of the body that are damaged by the UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Hands, legs, face, neck, and back are usually the areas that are exposed to the sun. The squamous cell carcinoma is a fairly slow type of cancer compared to the other types.
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A brief insight into the age-specific PSA levels chart

A brief insight into the age-specific PSA levels chart

While the age-specific PSA level chart is highly beneficial in detecting cancer at an early age, it remains to be one of the contested methods in the medical industry. This is generally because the age-specific PSA test does not always yield conclusive results. While the logic of several researchers about the association of the increasing size of the prostate glands, PSA levels and age may hold true in most cases.
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