Why One Should Worry About Diarrhea

Why One Should Worry About Diarrhea

Why one should worry about diarrhea Diarrhea is, generally, self limiting. It would seize the body in a couple of days. However, if it continues for weeks it is of concern and needs to be looked in. It can be indicative of serious conditions like infections, inflammatory bowel syndrome and lesser irritable bowel syndrome.
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Know About Deep Vein Thrombosis

Know About Deep Vein Thrombosis

Know about deep vein thrombosis Deep vein thrombosis is the formation of clots or thrombi in any of the deep veins in the body, generally the legs. It can form without any symptoms at all. Generally the condition is accompanied by pain and swelling in the leg, often only in one.
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Causes Of Chronic Leg Pain And How To Get Rid Of Them

Causes Of Chronic Leg Pain And How To Get Rid Of Them

Causes of chronic leg pain and how to get rid of them Everyone suffers from leg pain at least once in their life. This kind of pain is very common and does not stay for a longer period of time. Chronic leg pain is the kind of pain which is extremely hurting and almost unbearable.
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Causes Of Colon Polyps That You Need To Know

Causes Of Colon Polyps That You Need To Know

The growth in the inner lining of the colon that is nothing but the large intestine is a natural case of colon polyps. Your cell lining contains genetic material that when mutated or becomes abnormal leads to colon polyps. The cells of your body mature and die but when the genetic material changes, the cells are prevented from multiplying and thereby dying.
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Understanding Constipation In Detail

Understanding Constipation In Detail

Understanding constipation in detail A person is constipated when the digesting food moves slowly via any part of the digestive system. Often, the slowing down takes place in the colon. It’s not a disease in itself but is seen as a symptom of gastrointestinal issue that 42 million people in the United States are affected by, comprising 15% of the entire population as per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
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Understanding Cholesterol Levels

Understanding Cholesterol Levels

Understanding cholesterol levels Blood cholesterol test is a very common test to assess the risk of heart attack. The doctor measures the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood to arrive at a conclusion about your risk for heart attack. But how does the doctor arrive at a conclusion?
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Common Causes Of Constipation

Common Causes Of Constipation

Common causes of constipation Chronic constipation is a condition that is different to different people. For some it is infrequent bowel movement over time, for others, it is straining and effort to move the bowel, and for yet others, it is a feeling of more stools inside with a constant feeling of the need to move bowel.
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Understanding Your Blood Pressure Readings

Understanding Your Blood Pressure Readings

Understanding your blood pressure readings The human body is complex and fascinating at the same time. A healthy heart is important to stay fit and fine. The pivotal function of your heart is to keep you alive by pumping blood throughout your body for sustaining bodily functions. As the blood is pumped to different sections of your body, it inflicts a pressure on the blood vessels.
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