Is Cash Safer Than Credit

Is Cash Safer Than Credit

How often have you heard about a credit card fraud? People freak out over using credit and debit cards. Many consider cash to be safer and convenient. Cash is considered safer because of anonymity. However, the same anonymity makes it a risk. If cash is lost or stolen, there is no way to retrieve it.
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Is Your Medical Credit Card Causing You Heartburn

Is Your Medical Credit Card Causing You Heartburn

A large number of healthcare providers are offering an option to the patients to charge their cost of medication and treatment on their medical credit cards. These cards are offered by various financial services firms and are meant for consumers who are paying out of their pocket for those treatments that are not covered by their insurance policy.
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Setting Spending Limits With Your Bank Or Credit Card

Setting Spending Limits With Your Bank Or Credit Card

How often have you been stressed owing to a drop in your bank balance? There is a solution for revising your spending patterns. If you set restrictions on your bank or credit card, you will be able to manage your finances in an appropriate manner. Financial discipline can help you achieve your financial goals and you will be able to remain debt free.
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The Trap of 0% Financing Deals

The Trap of 0% Financing Deals

How often have you made a purchase and were offered a way to pay for it over a period of time? Did the retailer offer you a plan where you can repay the amount within 12 months with 0% interest? This is a credit card offer. Over the last few years, there has been an increase in 0% financing from retailers.
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Here’s How To Request Credit Freeze For A Deceased Person

Here’s How To Request Credit Freeze For A Deceased Person

As a recently bereaved person, your emotional state would be in utter turmoil. However, there are certain hard tasks that will need your attention. There are certain financial decisions you will have to take after the loss of a loved one. First of all, you will need to inform the credit bureaus about the death of your close relation.
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Here’s What You Need To Know About Cash Advances

Here’s What You Need To Know About Cash Advances

If you own a credit card, you must be aware of the feature called ‘cash advance.’ The credit card issuer will inform you about cash advances when you apply for the card. A cash advance is an amount of cash that you can borrow against your credit. All credit cards come with a credit limit, and a cash advance will allow you to borrow cash against this limit.
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The usefulness of credit cards for small businesses

The usefulness of credit cards for small businesses

Are credit cards useful for small businesses? The answer is a resounding yes. With an eye on improving sales and profits steadily, small businesses invest time and energy in a concrete, secure manner. In order to reduce wastage of resources, constant updates have to be made in improving the method of transactions.
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The how’s and why’s of credit card fee processing

The how’s and why’s of credit card fee processing

The possession of a credit card might give you a sense of power in terms of being able to buy what you wish when you wish for it. However, it would be good to be informed that as with all things that are transactional in nature, no service comes free.
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