Best Vitamins for Kidneys

Best Vitamins for Kidneys

Kidneys are critical organs of our body. They release waste products through urine, ensure healthy levels of calcium and minerals, and keep blood pressure stable. In case of problems where the kidneys are unable to dispel waste, toxins accumulate in the blood, which can be damaging and even lead to kidney failure. Here is a list of vitamins for kidneys that ensure kidney health and proper functioning.
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Benefits of High Protein Food Intake

Benefits of High Protein Food Intake

What are Proteins? Proteins are basically large macromolecules or bio – molecules which consist of one or more long chains of amino acids. Proteins are responsible for perform ing a wide range of functions within an organism such as DNA replication, catalyzing metabolic reactions, responding to stimuli and transporting molecules from one location to another.
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Gout Diet Do’s and Don’ts

Gout Diet Do’s and Don’ts

If you’re suffering from gout, you know how painful it can be. A type of arthritis, gout affects your joints, fingers and toes. It usually happens to people who have excessive purine foods like meat, whole grains, and sort of peas. When your body is unable to remove the uric acid from the body, it forms gout in one of your joints.
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Choose the Best Magnesium Supplement for Health Benefits

Choose the Best Magnesium Supplement for Health Benefits

Magnesium, an essential nutritional element of the human body, is often ignored by almost everyone. People fail to realize how necessary it is to have the optimum amount of magnesium in the body, the lack of which would otherwise cause irritability, muscle weakness, tiredness, and even irregular heartbeat. The bones inside our body consist of the maximum magnesium content of the body.
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Diet options for kidney Diseases

Diet options for kidney Diseases

If your kidneys are not working normally and you have nephro-issues, then you need to be careful about what you are eating and control your routine, for reducing the chances of major kidney diseases. When you go to your doctor, they will likely prescribe a diet chart with specific instructions so that you can prevent kidney disease from getting worse.
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5 IBS diet plans to follow

5 IBS diet plans to follow

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder which brings about changes in the bowel movements. Some patients experience diarrhea, while other experience constipation. Cramps and abdominal pain cause difficulties in the daily activities. Causes of IBS Doctors aren’t sure what causes IBS; there are combinations of problems that may lead to this condition, such as:
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10 Enlarged Prostate Remedies to Reduce Pain and Discomfort

10 Enlarged Prostate Remedies to Reduce Pain and Discomfort

The prostate gland is the walnut-shaped reproductive organ that is wrapped around the urethra. It is one of the significant parts of the male reproductive system. It adds fluid to the sperm to help with its mobility. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, while it sounds dangerous, is actually a harmless swelling that occurs in your prostate gland.
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Diet Options for Hypothyroidism

Diet Options for Hypothyroidism

If you have a normal functioning thyroid system, then you should consider yourself lucky as every day you can hear people blaming their weight gain and stress on their thyroid. Thyroid problems are becoming much more common these days, especially in women. If you are struggling with the problem, then you might be looking for the perfect hypothyroidism diet, which can help you reduce the risks associated with hypothyroidism.
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