5 snacks that help ease rheumatoid arthritis pain

5 snacks that help ease rheumatoid arthritis pain

5 snacks that help ease rheumatoid arthritis pain Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that damages the health of the joints and affects their ability to function efficiently. In this lifelong inflammatory disease and people experience a lot of pain in the joints of their hands and feet. Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain, stiffness, inflammation, tenderness, and weakness in the joints.
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Foods to avoid for those with bipolar disorder

Foods to avoid for those with bipolar disorder

Foods to avoid for those with bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a brain-related illness that causes mood swings and makes a person feel low sometimes and elated at other times. Apart from medication, diet plays an important role in the mood swings and manifestation of the symptoms. Certain foods can affect one’s mental health and must be avoided by those having bipolar disorder.
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Top 15 foods to help fight cervical cancer

Top 15 foods to help fight cervical cancer

Top 15 foods to help fight cervical cancer There has been innumerable research on ways to prevent and fight cervical cancer, and much of this emphasises on following a plant-based diet as a method to fight it. Researchers are of the view that regular consumption of some specific types of foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole-grains can protect against this cancer.
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7 snacks that help lower your cholesterol

7 snacks that help lower your cholesterol

7 snacks that help lower your cholesterol Cholesterol in the blood can be a problem when its levels are high. It can lead to clogged arteries and exposes a person to the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Those with high cholesterol need to follow a strict diet.
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Foods to avoid if one has colitis

Foods to avoid if one has colitis

Foods to avoid if one has colitis Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon and rectum, which make up for a major part of the large intestine. It can cause symptoms like bleeding from the rectum, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. These can flare up due to various triggers, with food being one of the major ones.
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Diet options that help ease constipation

Diet options that help ease constipation

Diet options that help ease constipation Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult and infrequent (less than 3 times a week). Constipation can be prevented by following a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water. Constipation mostly occurs when there is an insufficient intake of water and fiber. The symptoms of constipation are bloating in the stomach, dry and hard stools, and difficulty in emptying bowels.
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5 foods that ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease

5 foods that ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease

5 foods that ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disorder that causes a host of discomforting symptoms like inflammation in the digestive tract, pain in the abdominal area, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and rectal bleeding. At times, these symptoms tend to intensify and lead to a flare-up.
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Top 10 snacks for those with diabetes

Top 10 snacks for those with diabetes

Top 10 snacks for those with diabetes It is very important to keep blood sugar under control to prevent health problems like kidney failure. Diet is very important for diabetics and they need to be careful about what they eat. The snacks mentioned herein would be excellent choices for diabetics.
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