Easy and inexpensive recipe ideas for broke days

Easy and inexpensive recipe ideas for broke days

Is it that time of the month when all your financial prudence comes to the fore and prompts you to stay away from unnecessary indulgence before pay day? Blowing your pay check on a new wardrobe (or the like) often leads to serious implications. Neglecting a wholesome and healthy meal is one.
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Top 10 chicken breast recipes

Top 10 chicken breast recipes

Chicken is always a joy a cook and to devour as well. Here are the top ten chicken breast recipe ideas that can easily jazz up your meals for weekends, weekdays, and unjustified snack time. Chicken parmesan Chicken Parmesan can be done in two ways, either you can bake it or fry it.
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The world of Bon Appetite recipes

The world of Bon Appetite recipes

There are so many wonderful recipes all around the world, and putting all of them together in your kitchen might be an impossible task. But you are fortunate to have so many options, that can make your ordinary meals a delightful experience. Bon Appetit magazine makes your task easier, by presenting all kinds of mouth-watering recipes on its website.
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The perfect recipe to start an online food business

The perfect recipe to start an online food business

Amalgamating your passion for food with a career is the best way to pursue the food dream. Not only you get to do what you love, you also manage to make money out of it. But following your food dream is a hard feat to reach. With so many food giants and professionals out there, achieving this kind of accomplishment can take time.
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Popular homemade breads from around the world

Popular homemade breads from around the world

Bread in all its forms, is an integral part of most cuisines across the globe. A daily staple, bread continues to be baked, roasted and cooked in various shapes and sizes to be sopped, rolled and dabbed with delicious accompaniments. Check out this list of homemade bread recipes savored globally.
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Fresh and healthy home made breads

Fresh and healthy home made breads

Bread acts as a good source of carbohydrate to kick start your day. People on a lower calorie diet prefer breads made of grains that are low on carbs and calories. If you are carb conscious and regular multi grain breads seem bland to you, try these fresh and healthy homemade bread recipes.
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Super easy chicken pasta salad recipes

Super easy chicken pasta salad recipes

Chicken salad is not only super tasty but it has all the goodness of a soul satisfying and nutritious meal. The best part about the salad is its versatility and the fact that it tastes simply amazing with a variety of ingredients. While traditional chicken salad recipes can get monotonous, you could try and combine different recipes like chicken salad with healthy pasta salad recipes and give your salad a whole new twist!
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Beverages that keep you happy and healthy!

Beverages that keep you happy and healthy!

When you think about beverages, you probably come up with a list of fizzy drinks that are available in the market. Due to the high calorie and sugar content of most beverages, many health-conscious people try to avoid everything that comes under this category of drinks. However, you need to know there are many healthy options when it comes to choosing a beverage to keep yourself hydrated.
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