6 things you need to know about hemophilia B

6 things you need to know about hemophilia B

Hemophilia is caused when the plasma in the blood lacks enough protein to cause blood clotting. Hemophilia is an inherited disorder that leads to abnormal bleeding in the affected person. There are two types of hemophilia: hemophilia A and hemophilia B. Hemophilia A is more common since it affects nearly 80% of the people with this disorder.
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6 things to know about treating hemophilia B

6 things to know about treating hemophilia B

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that prevents the blood from clotting. This causes uncontrolled bleeding in the case of injuries or wounds. In some cases, there can be spontaneous bleeding without any reason. Hemophilia can cause external as well as internal bleeding as well. Hemophilia is caused due to lack of clotting factors in the blood.
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All you need to know about skin tag removal home remedies

All you need to know about skin tag removal home remedies

Are you fed up of the skin tags on your body and are looking for a painless skin tag removal home remedy? If yes, then you are not the only one. Almost every person at some point in his or her life develops a skin tag on his or her body.
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A  quick guide to skin tag removal home remedies

A quick guide to skin tag removal home remedies

Skin tags are the useless flap of skin you might find in your neck area or around your eyes. Though fortunately they are benign and you need not worry about them causing any disease, they are still annoying, and you would want to get rid of them. Skin tags can develop almost anywhere on the body.
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A few common causes of fatty liver disease

A few common causes of fatty liver disease

One of the main functions of the liver is to break down fats. So, the presence of a small percentage of fat in the liver is considered normal. However, there can be instances when nearly 5 to 10% of the liver’s weight is made of up of fats. This happens because there is an abnormal accumulation of liver cells leading to the development of excess fats in the liver.
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An overview of liver diseases and their treatment options

An overview of liver diseases and their treatment options

Liver diseases can be any condition that damage the liver and disrupt normal functioning. Important function of your liver includes metabolites detoxification, protein synthesis, aiding digestion by producing biochemicals to break down food, helping with your metabolism and also helps in regulation of hormone production in a number of ways.
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Advantages of a PET scan for lung cancer

Advantages of a PET scan for lung cancer

Today, lung cancer has become a widespread condition and is one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. The disease is triggered when certain cells in the lungs grow in an uncontrollable and abnormal manner. Lung cancer is recognized in two major categories, i.e., small-cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.
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All you need to know about squamous cell carcinoma

All you need to know about squamous cell carcinoma

The second most common form of skin cancer, the squamous cell carcinoma is found in those areas of the body that are damaged by the UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Hands, legs, face, neck, and back are usually the areas that are exposed to the sun. The squamous cell carcinoma is a fairly slow type of cancer compared to the other types.
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