Know the infection, shingles

Know the infection, shingles

What is Shingles? Shingles is an infection, which can be painful, and is contagious as well. It appears as a rash that’s generally around the torso but can occur anywhere in the body. Although it is not a life-threatening disease, the infection can last a long time. Visit a doctor and go for an antiviral shingles medicine course to reduce the severity of the infection.
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How to go about with an effective gout diabetes treatment

How to go about with an effective gout diabetes treatment

Gout is an arthritic condition caused by excessive accumulation of uric acid. It leads to sudden and acute attacks of pain, swelling, and redness in the toe. Gout arthritis often strikes the big toe at first and gradually affects the ankles, knees, hands and wrists. Gout and Diabetes Type 2 often co-exist, with common physical characteristics and conditions such as obesity.
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How to maintain a healthy body with type 1 diabetes

How to maintain a healthy body with type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin. This inadequacy causes an abnormal rise of sugar levels in the blood. Type 1 diabetes ensues when an autoimmune disorder occurs in the body, which mistakenly destroys the beta cells (cells that produce insulin) in the pancreas.
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How to treat heel pain in runners

How to treat heel pain in runners

Some of the common form of conditions include plantar fasciitis, calcaneal apophysitis, and Achilles tendonitis. Out of these, the common condition that runner suffers from or will encounter at least once in their sports career is the heel pain. There may be many causes of heel pain but one the cause that results in the condition is the overuse injury.
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Life post congestive heart failure diagnosis

Life post congestive heart failure diagnosis

In brief, congestive heart failure is the condition where the heart cannot pump properly to maintain the blood flow in the body. The heart’s inability to pump sufficient amount of blood flow, as it seems, is a very dangerous condition and is fatal as this is one of the most vital activities that happen in a human body for it to function.
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Know more about ClearChoice dental locations across the country

Know more about ClearChoice dental locations across the country

Whether you are sixty or sixteen, you will need dental implants if your dental health is not above average. A dental implant procedure involves removal of a bad tooth or teeth. New artificial teeth are constructed and fitted to replace the old teeth. The artificial implants work as good as your permanent natural teeth, only their shape and look are better than your original teeth.
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Lowering uric acid level

Lowering uric acid level

Uric acid is one of the elements in blood. The normal range of uric acid is 2.5-7.0 mg/DL”any level above or below this is harmful. It can cause a lot of ailments. The kidney flushes out uric acid from the body along with urine and through bowel movements. Higher uric acid level causes gout or arthritis, kidney stones, and renal failure.
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How to lower your blood pressure through lifestyle changes

How to lower your blood pressure through lifestyle changes

High blood pressure indicates that your heart goes an extra mile each day to pump blood through your body. Arteries in our heart are made of semi-flexible muscles and the force of high blood pressure will strain the walls. This strain can lead to tiny tears which can lead to the increase in blood clots.
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