4 Essential Factors to Note When Choosing a Mattress

4 Essential Factors to Note When Choosing a Mattress

There is nothing more blissful than coming home to a comfortable bed and enjoying a deep snore after a long day at work, right? Well, picking the right mattress will go a long way in letting you snooze with utmost comfort. The activity of choosing a mattress importantly comes down to personal preference.
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Common Symptoms of Hereditary Amyloidosis You Must Know About

Common Symptoms of Hereditary Amyloidosis You Must Know About

A rare disease, hereditary amyloidosis is caused by the build-up of amyloid in the organs. The buildup occurs due to genetic mutations. Amyloids are abnormal protein deposits. These are produced in the bone marrow and accumulate in any tissue or organ. Depending on the organ affected, there can be different types of hereditary amyloidosis.
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Two Types of Hereditary Amyloidosis You Need to be Aware of

Two Types of Hereditary Amyloidosis You Need to be Aware of

Hereditary amyloidosis is a type of systematic amyloidosis which is caused by inheriting a gene mutation. The mutated genes form an abnormally shaped amyloid protein. The “misfolded” amyloid protein can be deposited in clusters in the body nerves and organs. Once the build-up starts, they can harm the tissue or organs of the body.
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4 Treatment Options for SMA

4 Treatment Options for SMA

Spinal muscular atrophy or SMA is a disease that is triggered by the breakdown of nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. This, in turn, affects the brain’s ability to transmit messages that control the movements of the muscles. It is most likely to affect babies and young kids, making it difficult for them to use their muscles effectively.
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Types of the SMA Disease

Types of the SMA Disease

SMA or spinal muscular atrophy is a group of genetic disease that causes weakness and wasting of voluntary muscles. A person suffering from SMA cannot control the movement of their muscles. One of the major reasons a person suffers from this disease is the loss of nerve cells in the spinal cord and brainstem.
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SMA Disease – Alarming Signs and Symptoms

SMA Disease – Alarming Signs and Symptoms

Spinal Muscle Atrophy or SMA is a hereditary disease that affects the spinal cord, gradually attacking the lower motor neurons, causing the muscles to get weaker. The symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy significantly vary depending on the type of condition. SMA in children is divided into three types: type 1, type 2, and type 3; whereas, type 4 is an adult-onset.
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4 Ways to Stay Active with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

4 Ways to Stay Active with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Living with a chronic condition is never easy, but when the chronic condition affects the individual’s mobility, it becomes all the more difficult to function. One such condition that affects the muscles throughout the body is spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). It especially affects the breathing muscles and renders the arms and legs frail.
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3 Diagnostic Measures for SMA

3 Diagnostic Measures for SMA

Spinal Muscle Atrophy, also known as SMA, is a genetic disorder that creates several barriers in a person’s muscle movements. The condition often occurs when the spinal cord and the brainstem have a loss of specialized motor neurons. This loss of motor neurons leads to muscle weakness and muscle wasting, which causes several physical disabilities such as the inability of walking, crawling, sitting straight up, and even controlling head movements.
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