4 home remedies for easing foot pain caused by diabetes

4 home remedies for easing foot pain caused by diabetes

Have you been experiencing tingling pain, numbness, painful cramps in the leg, or burning sensation in your feet? If you have diabetes, this is because of something called diabetic neuropathy (often called peripheral neuropathy). About 60-80% of all diabetic patients suffer from some form of diabetic neuropathy at some point in their lives.
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Top 4 tests to diagnose diabetes

Top 4 tests to diagnose diabetes

Anyone who has diabetes or prone is to it must get themselves checked regularly to ensure that their blood sugar levels don’t rise too high. No matter what age you are, if you have a family history of heart diseases and diabetes, then a regular diagnosis of diabetes is a must.
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Here are a few common types of head neck cancer and their symptoms

Here are a few common types of head neck cancer and their symptoms

Head neck cancer is a broad classification, and there are several parts in and around the area which can be affected by cancer. Since the risks, diagnosis and further treatment depend on the areas affected by this type of cancer, head neck cancer has been divided into groups and sub-groups. The broad classification of types of head neck cancer are as follows:
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3 common treatment options for head and neck cancer

3 common treatment options for head and neck cancer

Head neck cancer can be treated effectively and completely cured if they are diagnosed early. The primary goal in most of the head neck cancer treatment options is to eradicate cancer, but it is also critical to be able to preserve the functioning of the associated nerves, tissues, and organs. While this is not impossible to do, it is probably the most challenging part of the treatment.
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5 natural remedies to recover from leukemia

5 natural remedies to recover from leukemia

Leukemia is among the fatal types of cancers. With very little known about the risk factors that may cause this condition, prevention as well as leukemia treatment is often overwhelming for the patients and medical practitioners as well. Of course, there are the standard therapies such as radiation, chemotherapy, and several prescription drugs that can be used for leukemia CLL treatments.
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3 common types of lung cancer you ought to know about

3 common types of lung cancer you ought to know about

The lungs are our lifeline, and this is because air travels through our nose and passes through our lungs and keeps us alive. Cancer is referred to those healthy cells which go “rogue” i.e. normal cells mutate, change and grow out of control. When this happens in the lungs, this growth eventually leads to a mass of cells that take the form of a malignant tumor.
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5 ways to reduce the risk of melanoma

5 ways to reduce the risk of melanoma

Most people are not familiar with the term melanoma. It is a type of skin cancer where pigment-producing cells within our body become cancerous. One might notice the growth of unusual moles in their body in such cases. There are various melanoma treatments available but are unknown to many. Here are five ways that help in reducing the risk of melanoma.
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Here are a few common causes and symptoms of melanoma

Here are a few common causes and symptoms of melanoma

Cancer has been one of the leading causes of death in many ways and for many years. Skin cancer is identified by the development of a pigment that arises around a mole on the skin. Melanoma, a type of skin cancer, can occur in the eyes or other parts of the body.
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