Symptoms of heartburn

Symptoms of heartburn

What is heartburn? When stomach acid flows up into your esophagus, it causes a burning feeling in your chest and throat. This feeling is known as heartburn. This feeling becomes difficult to handle after eating food and can last for several hours. Heartburn is common and can be taken care off with over-the-counter antacids.
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Heartburn and heartburn trigger foods

Heartburn and heartburn trigger foods

How does one tell if he or she is having a heartburn? Read on to know more. Although heartburn can be traced to different causes, almost everyone experiences the same kinds of symptoms. It’s important to know what a heartburn is to identify and cure it. Knowing the causes 0f heartburn and accurately identifying the symptoms can help in the treatment.
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Heart health facts every women should know

Heart health facts every women should know

Heart health should never be taken lightly. Today, there are a number of factors that contribute to people developing stress, anxiety, hypertension, blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, all which lead to one or the other symptoms of developing heart diseases. What works for men’s health, does not have to necessarily work for womens health.
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How to prevent heart diseases by following a heart healthy diet?

How to prevent heart diseases by following a heart healthy diet?

High cholesterol and blood pressure are a few reasons for the development of heart diseases. The major factor leading to weight gain and the rise in cholesterol levels is the intake of an unhealthy diet that is low on fiber and nutrition. To maintain an ailment-free heart, health diets are a must.
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Easy home remedies for heartburn

Easy home remedies for heartburn

Heartburn is caused by acid reflux in the body. When acid produced by the stomach during digestions moves back to the food pipe, acid reflux occurs. The triggers of heartburn differ for different people. However, there are certain common causes that might lead to acid reflux causing heartburn. For instance, you have a meal that high on fats and unhealthy oil, you may experience heartburn.
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Effective lifestyle habits to ease heartburn

Effective lifestyle habits to ease heartburn

Had a lot of greasy food last night? You must woken up with a burning sensation in your esophagus and discomfort in your chest and stomach. Acid reflux is an aberration of our digestive system. When we consume food, it generally goes down our food pipe (esophagus) to our stomach, where the food is broken down and digested.
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Vitamin supplements that improve heart health

Vitamin supplements that improve heart health

Vitamin supplements help you by making your bones and muscles strong. Some vitamins have also proved to help lower your cholesterol and improve blood pressure. Regular intake of these vitamins reduces your risk of heart diseases. The following is the list of vitamins for heart health. Vitamin D: As per a study conducted by Framington Heart study, it is proved that a daily intake of 400 to 800 IU of Vitamin D can significantly lower your risk of heart attack.
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10 heart attack symptoms that are uncommon

10 heart attack symptoms that are uncommon

When you surf the internet, you are prone to come across blogs that talk about “10 heart attack symptoms” or “most common heart attack symptoms,” but these are the ones we expect and are warned about in advance. Mentioned below are 10 heart attack symptoms that are uncommon: Achy arms Achy arms refer to persistent pain in your arms that lasts for about a week or two.
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