5 Benefits of Having An AARP Membership

5 Benefits of Having An AARP Membership

AARP stands for “American Association of Retired Persons,” and it provides a host of benefits to its aging members. Founded in the year 1958 by a retired educator, Ethel Percy Andrus, this group has only grown in numbers since its inception. Listed below are some of the most significant benefits of having an AARP membership.
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Challenges faced by data philanthropy and its role in human welfare

Challenges faced by data philanthropy and its role in human welfare

Aimed at benefiting the public, data philanthropy involves the collaborative effort of private sector companies by the means of haring data. Ranging from humanitarian to academic use, there are several uses of data philanthropy in the modern world.The philanthropy in œdata philanthropy advocates the fact that data sharing is a positive act, as well as that shared data, is good for the public.
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The Best Destinations for Retirement in 2018

The Best Destinations for Retirement in 2018

In 2016, a little over 13% of the people in the country were aged 65 and older. This figure is going to rise to 20% over the next ten years. These figures raise several important issues, like the need for retirement homes, medical facilities, and communities specially meant for seniors.
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4 Popular Enter-to-win Sweepstakes in 2018

4 Popular Enter-to-win Sweepstakes in 2018

Sweepstakes are a good way of testing our luck at winning some money or a vacation to an exotic location. Most people do it as a hobby but studies have proved that entering sweepstakes is addictive. However, winning sweepstakes requires a lot of patience and persistence. If you love sweepstakes, but lack the time and energy to look for and enter the best ones, following is a short list of sweepstakes that you can enter to win.
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Here are Cyber Monday 2019 DNA Testing Kit Deals On Popular Websites.

Here are Cyber Monday 2019 DNA Testing Kit Deals On Popular Websites.

The study of family history and lineages is commonly referred to as genealogy. There are many factors that prompt you to search for your family history, including the desire to find your place in the family, a sense of responsibility to preserve your past, and a sense of satisfaction of purely knowing where your family roots begin.
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4 business considerations to make when choosing cremation supplies

4 business considerations to make when choosing cremation supplies

Today, a growing population has come to choose cremation over a traditional burial. Reason being, the plethora of benefits associated with the former. Like with every business, it is imperative for cremation providers to possess the required and updated supplies. This not only aids in offering the best cremation service but also renders a smoother experience for the grieving loved ones of the deceased.
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How does an electric wheelchair work?

How does an electric wheelchair work?

Electric wheelchairs are an evolution of the traditional hand-pushed manual wheelchairs. Being self-propelled, they grant mobility to users over a wide range of terrains and inclines, with the motor doing the hard work. They also differ from manual wheelchairs in the sense that they feature systems platform beneath the seat.
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5 reasons that make cremation a preferred choice

5 reasons that make cremation a preferred choice

Cremation is growingly becoming one of the most preferred choices over a traditional burial. The statistics come to show a significant increase in cremations, which was not seen in the recent past. Interestingly, the number is expected to increase as the method becomes more known and practiced. There are several factors that are found to contribute to this trend.
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