Unravel the mysteries of your ancestry for free

Unravel the mysteries of your ancestry for free

Genealogy has become quite important since recent times. People opt for it for reasons best known to them. Sometimes it’s just to find out whether you are a descendant of a blue- blood line or to know if your famous actress can be your distant cousin’s cousin. There are innumerable reasons that people wish to trace their genealogy for, but the most common reasons are when they belong to a church that focuses on baptism of the dead or maybe you are just concerned about your health and need to make sure you your family history doesn’t show any kind of serious ailments.
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The significance of genealogy explained

The significance of genealogy explained

Genealogy, the study of one’s ancestors or lineage has become quite popular among the younger generation. The reason for knowing their genealogy is very subjective. It varies from person to person. Irrespective of the reason behind your inquisitiveness, one cannot deny that genealogy holds the key to a lot of questions that arise in your mind.
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Genealogy testing – The whats and hows

Genealogy testing – The whats and hows

If you are someone who is interested in their family, you might be keen on doing genealogy testing. Genealogy testing will give you information beyond family history and more information than your family historical documents can provide. Genealogy testing is a testing of the genes that is done by examining the DNA.
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How to donate to a charity

How to donate to a charity

Feeling philanthropic lately? Why not donate to a charity and experience the joy of giving. There are numerous charities in the US that are doing brilliant work for various causes. The first step is to find a cause close to your heart. Every charitable trust in general focus on a particular cause such as a children’s fund, medical aid, helping the veterans, wildlife conservation, providing for homeless and the list goes on.
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Simple acts of kindness

Simple acts of kindness

If you have a kind heart, then lend out a hand and make a difference. The best charity is when we take care of each other and be kind to everyone. Those of us who have everything in abundance can just put aside some part of our savings and donate to the charities.
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How philanthropy play a significant role in your life

How philanthropy play a significant role in your life

Philanthropy is doing some good to the society or world out of your love for humanity. It refers to contributing to the welfare of the less privileged in financial or non-financial terms. Philanthropy is a giving practice that an individual as well as an organization or business can initiate. However, at an individual level, it is a significant aspect of life that is fulfilling for those who are resourceful and fortunate enough to extend help to others.
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How philanthropic acts do good to your business

How philanthropic acts do good to your business

Most of the business owners and executives find philanthropy as something extra that they would do only when they have time and money. They feel that the acts of giving may not fetch them such rewards that some marketing or advertising strategies bring along. However, business owners need to know that philanthropy can be highly contributing to their business.
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Challenges faced by data philanthropy and its role in human welfare

Challenges faced by data philanthropy and its role in human welfare

Aimed at benefiting the public, data philanthropy involves the collaborative effort of private sector companies by the means of haring data. Ranging from humanitarian to academic use, there are several uses of data philanthropy in the modern world.The philanthropy in “data philanthropy” advocates the fact that data sharing is a positive act, as well as that shared data, is good for the public.
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