What causes common stomach disorders?

What causes common stomach disorders?

Most of us tend to suffer from stomach disorders: the most common ones being related to indigestion. You eat something that is not right for you, and a few hours later you start experiencing discomfort in your stomach. Have you ever wondered what really happens to food as it goes from your food pipe to your tummy that things get messed at the other end?
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Constipation: What you need to know about its causes and precautions

Constipation: What you need to know about its causes and precautions

Constipation is a common digestive issue which causes a difficulty in bowel movements. If you are only capable of less than three bowel movements a week, you are considered constipated. This is very common and can happen to anyone at any point of time. The main reason for constipation is low fiber.
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Home remedies to relieve gas and reduce bloating

Home remedies to relieve gas and reduce bloating

A bloating stomach is something all of us face at some point in our lives. Studies show that an average adult passes gas between 13 to 21 times a day. The production of gas in the digestive tract is a normal process. However, you know you have a problem if there is a buildup of gas in the intestine, causing pain and discomfort.
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5 Simple remedies to treat constipation in babies

5 Simple remedies to treat constipation in babies

Babies and constipation is a dread for all parents. If your baby seems to be straining or you can find hard pellets on the baby’s diaper, then it is assign of constipation. In such a case, make sure first to consult the doctor immediately. On the other hand, there are several remedies that can offer relief to your baby.
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Babies and constipation – Causes and cure

Babies and constipation – Causes and cure

Infant constipation is not very common. However, babies who are bottle-fed are more prone to get constipation than the ones who are on breast milk. This is because some babies might be allergic to some of the ingredients or nutrients in the formula milk. Therefore, it is important that the parents are careful if the baby has an improper bowel movement.
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Common causes and treatment of constipation

Common causes and treatment of constipation

Constipation occurs when you face difficulty with bowel movements. Under constipation, your bowel movements are tough and happen less frequently. It is not a serious medical condition, but can make you feel uncomfortable during the course of the day. Why you need to address the problem Apart from the discomfort associated with constipation, there are other problems that you’ll face.
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Stomach Cancer, symptoms you should be aware of

Stomach Cancer, symptoms you should be aware of

Cancer that develops in the inner lining of the stomach is known as stomach cancer. This type of cancer is also known as gastric cancer and has a very slow growth rate. If its symptoms are identified in the early stages, there is a higher chance of successfully treating the condition.
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