Know About The Symptoms Of Heartburn

Know About The Symptoms Of Heartburn

Know about the symptoms of heartburn Heartburn is a common condition that most people have experienced more than once in their lifetime. A study estimates that approximately more than 15 million Americans suffer from heartburn every day. Heartburn is also associated with stomach acidity. There can be many causes for it, but frequent occurrences of a heartburn can lead to other problems.
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Know About The Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Know About The Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Know about the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder faced by people as this largely affects the large intestine. This disorder has a range of symptoms including abdominal pain and constipation among others. Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms are either mild or severe. While the mild form of symptoms can be controlled with a balanced diet and maintaining proper eating habits; however, in case a person has severe symptoms, medication and hospitalization might be needed.
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Effects Of Low Thyroid Levels In Our Body

Effects Of Low Thyroid Levels In Our Body

Effects of low thyroid levels in our body Hypothyroidism, or the disease caused due to low thyroid activity in our body, has many levels or degrees of diagnosis. Sometimes it can be very mild and cannot be identified until a much later stage, but some simple blood tests can usually diagnose it.
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Stay Safe From Meningitis Following These Simple Prevention Tips

Stay Safe From Meningitis Following These Simple Prevention Tips

Stay safe from meningitis following these simple prevention tips Nothing is precious rather than having a healthy body. Being healthy means you are all set to enjoy the luxury. In today’s world, where diseases are growing quite rapidly, it is important to have knowledge about the disease, symptoms and the prevention.
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What Does A Healthy Stool Look Like With Detox

What Does A Healthy Stool Look Like With Detox

What does a healthy stool look like with detox The human body works in amazing ways and most importantly, always for our benefit and the proper functioning of the system. Every form of excretion is indicative of our health, and on monitoring them, we can find a lot of what is happening inside our bodies.
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Steps to Take When Diagnosed with Peyronie’s Disease

Steps to Take When Diagnosed with Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease leads to the development of scar tissue in the penis. This scar tissue, also known as the plaque, appears and accumulates inside the tissues of a membrane called tunica albuginea. The buildup of the scar tissue leads to a bent or curved penis, which results in painful erections and inflammation or swelling of the penis.
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Here’s How You Can Treat Peyronie’s Disease

Here’s How You Can Treat Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease is a gender-specific disease which develops fibrous scar tissue, causing the penis to be curved, resulting in painful erections. Since penises can have different shapes and sizes, not each curved penis is caused due to Petronie’s disease. However, a person needs to consult a doctor if they notice a significant bend or experience painful erection.
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The Symptoms and Causes of Peyronie’s Disease

The Symptoms and Causes of Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that affects the health and functions of the penis. It is triggered when there is a formation of plaque or scar tissue inside the penis. The disease affects the posture of the reproductive organ and one experiences painful erections due to its curving. Men with Peyronie’s disease may find it difficult to perform sex.
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