Latest deals on mobile phones

Latest deals on mobile phones

This is the era of mobile phones, it can be seen in the hands of almost anyone and everyone. The word everyone can be used in a wider sense today, since it can be said that it includes children that are below the age of five years. Telecom has become a part of the household in almost every house, irrespective of the family’s income.
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The ICANN’s Internet control

The ICANN’s Internet control

Since the origin of the World Wide Web, the commerce department of the United States Government has been in control of the Internet. However, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or in short ICANN, is the governing body of the Internet since the past many years. The ICANN was established by the Internet Assigned Names Authority or IANA and the Network Solutions Inc.
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Five things to look in for cloud video conferencing

Five things to look in for cloud video conferencing

Cloud-based video conferencing uses minimal hardware required for video-conferencing systems. They can be used by SME’s and even larger international companies. Cloud-based systems can handle both 2D and 3D video broadcasting. They can also be implemented to use VOIP calls and other forms of video calling. Here are a few things that you should look into while incorporating cloud-based video conferencing into your management.
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Top two pay-as-you-go high speed internet providers

Top two pay-as-you-go high speed internet providers

Paying for internet is awesome, except when you run out of data or get excess charges. Do you need the occasional internet at decent speed? or are you a heavy user who needs blazing fast speeds all the time?This is where pay-as-you-go internet service providers come into the picture. They offer the cheapest high speed internet at decent speeds, and are great for high speed business internet networks.
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Top four reasons to upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for PC users

Top four reasons to upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for PC users

If you’re stuck in Windows XP or Windows 98 and need a reason to move on, then welcome to the world of Windows 8 Pro. What makes Windows 8 Pro awesome is it’s user interface. Getting the right OS for your needs is what matters the most. If you don’t get the industry standard versions, chances are, you won’t be able to run most state of the art apps.
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Top four high-speed internet service providers for cable connections

Top four high-speed internet service providers for cable connections

Getting a cable connection is ideal if you don’t want to worry about other parties accessing your home network. Unlike WiFi connections, cable connections offer more security and privacy. Although it’s cable and not portable, the benefits outweigh its disadvantages. There are a wide range of cable internet service providers for both local and international areas.
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Top four high-speed internet service providers

Top four high-speed internet service providers

High speed internet service providers can make your web experience heaven or hell. These days, there are extensive plans being released into the market with a lot of customizable options. You can build your own internet plan or tweak existing plans to fit your needs. You can change between ISPs (internet service providers) and shuffle between their plans whenever you like.
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The key features of a good video conference

The key features of a good video conference

Video conferences are a major part of an office culture in today’s scenario. With the majority of clients in other parts of the world, the best solution for effective communication is video conferencing. Video conferences are preferred over audio as they create an authentic human connection. These are more effective as they avoid chances of any miscommunication.
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