Probiotics and Preventive Measures to Manage C. Diff

Probiotics and Preventive Measures to Manage C. Diff

Clostridioides difficile, or C. diff, is a bacteria that affects one’s gastrointestinal tract, especially the colon, causing diarrhea and inflammation. It mainly occurs as a side effect of lowered immunity or disrupted functioning of intestinal health. Good gut bacteria can easily defeat C. diff and restore the body to health, so it’s important to ensure gut microbiomes remain healthy.
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Natural Home Remedies to Manage Parkinson’s Disease

Natural Home Remedies to Manage Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is a severe health condition that impacts the nervous system and the body parts directly under the control of nerves. It is predominantly seen in elderly individuals. In Parkinson’s, the brain functioning begins to deteriorate and worsen with time. Individuals with this condition exhibit body stiffness, delayed movements, slow responses, agitation leading to tremors, and an inability to maintain body balance.
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Treatment for Paralysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Treatment for Paralysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Paralysis is a medical condition characterized by the loss of muscle function in a part of the body, which could be either partial or complete. This condition can arise from various causes including stroke, traumatic injuries, multiple sclerosis, and neurological diseases. As paralysis significantly impacts a person’s quality of life, understanding the treatment options is crucial.
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Top foods that promote bone health

Top foods that promote bone health

Bones make up our skeletal structure that supports all organs and muscle groups in the body. Studies reveal that most adults reach their peak bone mass by 30. This is when new bone formation is at its prime. And to supplement this important function, the body must absorb essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorous, and proteins.
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Cholangitis – Types and Symptoms

Cholangitis – Types and Symptoms

Cholangitis is characterized by swelling and inflammation of the bile duct, a tube that carries the fluid from the liver to the small intestine. This inflammation can arise due to various underlying factors, based on which cholangitis is also categorized into different types. Cholangitis symptoms can vary depending on the specific type that a person has.
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How to Analyze a Creatinine Level Chart

How to Analyze a Creatinine Level Chart

Creatinine is a type of waste product removed from the blood by the kidneys. So, when creatinine levels in the blood are unusually high, it can indicate severe conditions, including kidney disease. That said, normal creatinine levels in the body can depend on various factors, including age and gender. Conducting a test and referring to a creatinine level chart can help individuals determine if their creatinine levels are high or normal.
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10 Easy Ways to Relieve Tailbone Pain

10 Easy Ways to Relieve Tailbone Pain

Maintaining good overall health is essential for one to indulge in regular activities. When one develops pain in one’s tailbone, things could get uncomfortable and the pain will be unbearable. One may experience tailbone pain for multiple reasons, including an injury, poor posture, or underlying health conditions. There are various remedies and tips through which one could relieve tailbone pain.
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6 Probiotic Foods That Benefit Seniors

6 Probiotic Foods That Benefit Seniors

Probiotics are tiny living microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeasts, that help maintain the gut and overall health. These probiotics can be easily obtained from certain foods. When probiotics are combined with synbiotics, which include pre and post-biotics, they can offer significant advantages to an individual’s overall health. For seniors experiencing digestive problems or poor gut health, incorporating probiotic-rich foods (after expert consultation) into their daily meals can be particularly helpful.
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