How to get quick relief from abdominal pain

How to get quick relief from abdominal pain

A very uncomfortable feeling arises when the stomach is unsettled. A feeling like stabbing, pulsating, burning, throbbing, or even cramping is experienced inside the abdominal area. The intensity differs but there is a lot of desperation to find relief. There are different reasons as to why your stomach hurts. Therefore, every stomach ache cannot have the same treatment.
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Nine effective ways to help you get relief from nerve pain

Nine effective ways to help you get relief from nerve pain

Nerve pain occurs due to a variety of reasons. From health conditions like diabetes to serious health issue like cancer, nerve pain can be caused due to several health ailments. There are numerous medications, lotions, and pills available over the counter to give you nerve pain relief. However, nerve pain can be frustrating and difficult to deal with for most people.
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Heel pain – Its causes and symptoms

Heel pain – Its causes and symptoms

Heel pain is one of the common foot problems that can be found in many adults across the country. They usually experience pain under the heel (The medical term of which is plantar fasciitis). It is located just beneath the Achilles tendon that connect to the heel bone. Although rarely a health threat, heel pain can be severe and may persist and become chronic.
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Home remedies for relieving neck pain

Home remedies for relieving neck pain

Neck pain is very common and can be caused due to bad posture or bad sleeping position or a fall. As long as the pain is not accompanied by other symptoms, it is fine. Any pain that lasts longer than a week is a point of concern because it suggests that there is some serious problem that needs immediate medical attention.
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Remedies for relieving back pain

Remedies for relieving back pain

Nearly everyone experiences back pain. If you do not manage it, your life will be miserable and you will find it difficult to accomplish even small things. Thankfully, help is at hand. Try out one of these methods that are effective in back pain relief. If these methods fail, you must consult a doctor.
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Follow a gout diet and relieve yourself from joint pains

Follow a gout diet and relieve yourself from joint pains

You might have heard this term often Gout diet especially from people suffering from a specific form of arthritis. You also might be wondering about the significance of such a diet and how such a diet could be made. Well, look no further as we are here to answer all your basic concerns regarding a gout diet.
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All you need to know about chronic pain

All you need to know about chronic pain

The pain which you might feel is the step to indicate that all is not well with your body. In other words, the pain can alert you to look things differently. While in most of the cases this can be termed as an acute pain, there are also cases where the pain stretches beyond the time and can hamper your day to day life productivity.
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Here is what you should know about chronic pain?

Here is what you should know about chronic pain?

Are you equally confused by the terms acute pain and chronic pain your doctor frequently uses? Are you sure you are giving the right answer when someone asks you if you have a chronic symptom? Have you ever pondered as to what could be the difference between these two major pain factors?
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